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Server requirements

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 1:03 pm
by Youssef
To operate Netphotographics efficiently, you need (our setup script will also tell you about possible problems):

A web server with at least 25Mb of free space (plus free space for images and cache files)
Apache* / nginx* (it may work without problems on other server systems like IIS or lighttpd but we have not tested these.)
PHP 5.6+ (7.2+ strongely recommended) – It may still work with older versions of PHP below 5.6 but we actually don't test and won't fix any related issues.
It is recommend that you have the following PHP extensions and settings:
One of these graphics libaries for image resizing:
GD graphics library (usually built in on servers)
Imagick graphics libary 6.3.8/Imagick 3.0.0+
safe mode off (recommended)
magic_quotes off (recommended)
register globals off (required)
gettext extension (optional, required if you plan to use Zenphoto's translation/multilingual capabilites - note that your server must have the locales for the languages installed you intend to use)
mbstring extension (recommended if you are using a none English language with lots of special characters)
tidy extension (recommended to properly truncate text content containing HTML)
cURL extension (recommended)
mod_rewrite (recommended)
MySQL 5+* (5.5.3+ recommended) – MySQL 4 is not supported - Compatible MariaDB versions should also work but are not tested specifically.
Appropriate user account rights. (Setup will note if you do not have sufficient rights.)
UTF-8 table and field collations

*Netphotographics is developed and tested on Apache environment.